Now you can pay your web hosting and domain invoice by Skrill also, so hurry up buy your web hosting plan / domain with your skrill dollars. Now you don’t need to exchange your dollars from exchangers with high spread to buy web hosting package or domain name, because you can directly pay us by your skrill account.
Skrill is a best online payment method; you can upload your money / funds into skrill easily from your debit / credit card, or bank, and similarly you can withdraw your funds directly to your bank account or debit / credit card. The old name of skrill was Money Bookers, but now they have changed their name money bookers to skrill.
Skrill is a UK based company that transfers your funds to other people with a very safe way, and they do not disclose your debit / credit card or bank information to anyone. So this is a very safe form of payment and all the online internet businesses like to add this payment method in their websites / stores.
So Now Zain Hosting supports the Skrill (money bookers) payments directly and you can buy our cheap products by this payment method, we support Paypal and Payza also, so if you have payza or paypal balance then you can buy our cheap items from us directly.
As you know Zain Hosting is a cheap web hosting provider of Pakistan, but we have thousands clients from all over the world, so we invite you to join Zain Hosting’s family, because you can’t find any web hosting company cheap than us.
- 1 GB SSD
- 10 GB Bandwidth
- 10 Email Accounts
- 10 SubDomains
- Free SSL + Cpanel
- 5 GB SSD
- 20 GB Bandwidth
- 20 Email Accounts
- 20 SubDomains
- Free SSL + Cpanel
- 10 GB SSD
- 50 GB Bandwidth
- 50 Email Accounts
- 50 SubDomains
- Free SSL + Cpanel
- Unlimited Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Emails
- Unlimited SubDomains
- Free SSL + Cpanel

Last Updated on October 9, 2020
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Thank you for providing domain names and linux VPS with skrill, in my country paypal is not working so skrill is a good option for us.